Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just like that...

Unending pitched roads till horizon..tea gardens or green paddy fields on both sides..dazzlling rain drops on the new leaves...destination:Lakwa GGS3..the day of 26th june, sumo loaded with 10 unforgettable experience of three Neristians..
Really guys,I discovered the genuine beauty of green assm,specially,it was like exploring my own place for the first time..we took lunch in a small hut type hotel with fishfry and dal..the lady there was so motherly and hospitable..if you people sometimes get chance do not forget to take the flavours of the simplicity and amiability of assames rural people..this is rare..getting to know people from various community,their specialities is enchanting..after 22 years in assam i have realised it,i know its too late..but der se is take care everyone.


meenakshi said...

poly u expressed my feeling but friends it was really a nice experience...i must say so many unexpected experiences same was great...

Saurav said...

Hie there !1 Its tremendous to have all of you blogging and Now we are really moving forward...rather marching forward...

Soon we will have YOUNGISTAN Relaunched on our very own, L.O.C. I am trying my best...

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