Monday, December 28, 2009

Hello Friends -Part 2

You would be delighted to note that we have touched a 350 mark in terms of number of posts and obviously much more in terms of ideas and wishes pouring in from all corners.

Participants have not only been the members but they were from among our immediate environment. This proves that we have been a very effective ambassador of this spark called 'LOC'.

Just recently when I was going through the blog with one of the facilitator from the Infosys Leadership Institute, I realised one thing. In fine tune with the person concerned we should be very prove in terms of the 'quality' and 'content' of the posts in the blog and the comments as well.

But what struck of was the 'amount' and 'frequency' of participation. In terms of what I perceive, we have raised the bar to an extremely natured level. Which is wonderful in many ways, but..

Everytime I go online, let that frequency be once in a week, I am elated at the news of well being of dearest of my friends through blogs and I too want to express that feeling of warmth from my side, but..

For god's sake I am in no mood to articulate or structure whatever I have in mind to present it in a well groomed - readable way, say it, par the standard of previous blogs. So I just take a shortcut and logout.

I am sure I have been through this numerous times and so do you all. So let's try it in some different manner. Lets break the non existent rules.

Regards and lots of love,

Whatever is being written here are the personal views of the author him/her self and are subjected to agreement or disagreement.
And a request to all members, Please write for this Blog Space, Share your views !!

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