Thursday, October 2, 2008


Pranam Gandhiji,
this is bharat calling.
hope this blog finds you in the best of your dreamt of bharat-a bharat of peace, a secular state where people will live in religious harmony, a bharat where everyone will get the roti,kapada aur makaan....'I' believed in your dreams, 'I' believed in your people but see what they did to me..There was one nathuram who killed you Gandhiji but 'I' had the faith that your dreams will live with your people....There are hundreds of nathuram trying to kill your dreams ...'I' am helpless...these nathurams don't belong to any religion, caste,state.....when they kill people they don't see the religion, they just kill..but your people,the common man, brings religion into the whole process and the situation becomes worse.....Gandhi please tell your people not to become a victim of this foul play of the fanatics....Gandhi please persuade them to follow the path of ahmisha,truth and persevearence...Make them believe that Gandhigiri still works if not rocks...

yours truly,
a victim of his own people---bharat.

1 comment:

deV said...

dat was gud....i mean favolous....
keep up d gandhigiri....nice work...

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