Thursday, September 3, 2009

Memoirs down the lane.......

This november LOC will have its second birthday....but how to mark it? Have we thought about it? May be we are too concentrated on ourselves....our career...our future...our settlement. In this connection we are tending to forget the small things of our lives which we left 3 months back.
I was going through the LOC blogs and i was feeling a lump forming in my throat....i was getting nostalgic...sunday...3 pm...a round table conference...gopal or rambabu with an innocent smile and a tray of tea cups....
The blogs written by the locians are so authentic...i dont know under what situations those were written..but they r very practical.. whenever you go through them u feel like high spirited and boosted up...u feel like rejuvinated with the attitude.'Lets do it!!'....
We all must have been going through ups and downs in the due course of guys i have a piece of advice for you, whenever u feel low or melancholy please link urself to through the blogs...feel the passion...feel the bonding...feel the deep meaning...feel to your heart content...i am sure you will feel happy...u will feel proud of being a part of LOC...
Take care everyone.

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