Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hello locians!

It has been nearly 7 months when i last blogged..time was was there..chances were there..but i couldnt make it..dont know why.
The loc site has changed so drastically..well its a wonderful transition..loc has gone a long way with odds and evens..i talked to my father about it..he encouragd it to his heart content and he cherished his college memories where they used to have similar kind of thing..he suggsted to include others like our juniors..and also to invite the teachers(minus displeasure of the members)..
hope we'l stay in touch after this session..we really cannot predict whats there in the next..still we can make promise to ourselves to stay connected..a very good luck to rohit,arijit and allokojjal..
c u guys on sunday..till then au revoir!

1 comment:

Saurav said...

Encouraging words from all corners,
and yup! Don't know about the future...
Lets make the present more lively and joyful..

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