We want to fly, to scale those heights, to excel in whatever we do, to do something for our parents, country and society. We know we will be able to face tomorrow with faith and hope, if we tackle today with enthusiasm, interest and enjoyment. We know we're the master of our own destiny. We are the CHANGE, we are L.O.C.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
really aalll is wellllll!!!!!!!!!
Hi ....
Just returned from the first class of this semester...it started in a very unusual but not-so-unexpected way....sir came...gave us the syllabus sheet...and then in a very pleasant voice told us what we are not supposed to do in his class...mobiles phones must be switched off....if it rings we lose five attendances per ring.....and he said that he should be the last person to enter the class which means we are not supposed to be late......and he said nobody should copy the assignments....if two people’s assignment found same then both of them would get not more than zero......these are some of the famous lines being repeated by this prof for the last five batches....and seniors say he keeps his words....
Day before yesterday i came back from a much needed break...vacation was full of mixed emotions...actions ...reactions...situations....met so many relatives..how the time passed pata nahi chala....i left for muzaffarpur on the 24th of November...and guess what i had the company of a woman with her child from my hometown itself....we didnot chat that much....she asked me where i live...i told professor’s colony, aghoria chawk...she said that the boys of that colony are very very notorious...ekdum badmash....i was blank...actaully she was not that wrong!!......i had another company...Mr. Chetan Bhagat with his two states..i completed the whole book....kitna sahi likha hai bande ne...
Let me tell you wat happened with me before 24th November and the day first semester started...semester was very busy...second time living in the hostel..first time bhaiya was there...this time madhu bhaiya was there....by the way he is my wallmate and a good soul....always there to help me out...a great counsellor i must say...sem was full of assignments...lab works...exams.. quizzes...and there was cricket....in mi august actually a mail came that selection for the inter IIt team is going to be held....i went...i was selected in the final thirty.....then the practice started....we played a few matches also...i was in the final 22...the team management told that the practice will go on till 10th November....the final two weeks of the sem was too hectic...and with cricket i was not going to help myself....so i didn’t go for next 15 days...i think i cud have made it into the final 16....i was not there...and with that cricket was over and out.....waise the IITG team got the bronze in cricket in the inter IIT.....this for the first time that our team has secured any position...
End sem went ok...not great...after the end sem also we had to submit few assignments....i submitted and rocketed off to the much awaited break of my life...............
One thing i have realized....one should live away from home before the job life begins....it enhances your decision making ability...it makes you self dependent...it makes you interact with more people....gives you a lot of time to think about yourself..about others....makes you complete....i am enjoying my hostel-life....just missing home right now....
And watched three idiots.....it was for the first time i was in the multiplex...perfect movie before the start of the semester...i liked the song...gimme some sunshine gimme some rain...gimme another chance.....i wanna grow up once again....kareena looks great after such a long gap....i liked the message of the film.....dont study for degrees...success.....padho taki kabil ban sako.....success jhak mar ke tumhare piche dauregi.....dont mug up the things...understand them....then sirf chamtkar hi honge!!aur padhai karoge to dhan jaroor milega......
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Aall is Well..........
Monday, December 28, 2009
Hello Friends -Part 3
Life here is excellent but nothing compared to the fun we used to have during college.
Trying to make new friends and waiting for the right opportunity to explore Mysore.
We would love to know how each one of you is doing out there.
And 'Avtar' was excellent in the 3d multiplex, a must watch I would say.
Whatever is being written here are the personal views of the author him/her self and are subjected to agreement or disagreement.
And a request to all members, Please write for this Blog Space, Share your views !!
Hello Friends -Part 2
Participants have not only been the members but they were from among our immediate environment. This proves that we have been a very effective ambassador of this spark called 'LOC'.
Just recently when I was going through the blog with one of the facilitator from the Infosys Leadership Institute, I realised one thing. In fine tune with the person concerned we should be very prove in terms of the 'quality' and 'content' of the posts in the blog and the comments as well.
But what struck of was the 'amount' and 'frequency' of participation. In terms of what I perceive, we have raised the bar to an extremely natured level. Which is wonderful in many ways, but..
Everytime I go online, let that frequency be once in a week, I am elated at the news of well being of dearest of my friends through blogs and I too want to express that feeling of warmth from my side, but..
For god's sake I am in no mood to articulate or structure whatever I have in mind to present it in a well groomed - readable way, say it, par the standard of previous blogs. So I just take a shortcut and logout.
I am sure I have been through this numerous times and so do you all. So let's try it in some different manner. Lets break the non existent rules.
Regards and lots of love,
Whatever is being written here are the personal views of the author him/her self and are subjected to agreement or disagreement.
And a request to all members, Please write for this Blog Space, Share your views !!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Hello Friends !!
Rohit Rai : - from you I learnt to be creative, to be innovative, and be different. It will always be fun to interact with you on any damn topic, thanks mate.
Prasenjit Deb : - I shared my first encounter to the public/ resposibilty world with you and believe me that week we had with the magazine are still rated as the best of mine efforts ever, kowing you was a treat to self.
Gokul Deka : - Exceptional talent again as professional student as well as a person, the ease with which you opened up, and the way you presented yourself was a must watch for me. Thanks mate and God Bless you!
Debabrata Debnath : - Among the person whom I knew the least, but I must admit that I was a die hard fan of your style of doing things, not to mention that your literary skills were out of this world.
Bed Prakash Pokhrel : - We had our moments of triumph together, thank you so much dear for being there trying to undersatnd me. Bed you are simply out of this world, in terms of your personality and simplicity. Keep it up mate !
Arijit Choudhury : - Mr. G.S. exceptional leadership qualities, which I use to admire all my NERIST life and believe me, he is still my icon of the term leader. I loved the firmness in him, and his willingness to take the initiative. Way to go Man!
Alokojjwal Das : - Good things happen to good people, and I am sure the way he showed disciplinary skills in his work and his way to lead during the Winter tour, he has miles to go..
Alok Kumar : - Genius at work, wonderful person, just that I didn't had much chance to interact with you in the long run, but whatever time we shared at the LOC was very enlighting. Thank you so much mate!
Poly Karmakar : - It was a pleasure to be able to interact with you on the various issues during the course of time. As noticed by Raju Sir I will not forget those moments of trying to understand the beauty and complexities of human life on the same go. Having being able to go through Uncle's novel ( obviously through Arun was great). And I am not a psychologist into the making, it was just that the fragrance of the people around was extremely wonderful and we all needed to realise that there is always a silver lining of every problem and everytime the road may seem to end but there is always another path.
Nupur Morayya : - I know I never been able to justify for whatever I did, for whatever I was misunderstood, but it was a pleasure to be able to meet you. EC-4, we had practicals in the very first years of NERIST and it was then the years of making of all of us that you proved to be very decicive in shaping me. Thanks mate!
Systems Engineer Trainee.
Infosys Technologies Ltd. Mysore.
Dir: +91-9901795070 Extn: 78343.
And a request to all members, Please write for this Blog Space, Share your views !!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
LOC has seen a complete one year this november...i extend my deep gratitude to Rohit rai,Gokul,Ved and Pd for bringing up the IDEA,Saurav for the BLOG, Pd for the LOGO,Sachin for those inspiring lines....Basumitra,Alok k, Rohit,arijit...Paromita..nupur..meenakshi for those adorning poems...dev...alok d for perpetuating the spirit till now....
It has experienced ups and downs at times...some deserted at some weak moments...but such an inconvincible attraction of LOC made them to come back...sometime it was dreary..sometime it was vibrant...but it was there...cherishing the sundays...the tea cups....
To mark the anniversary lets do something....(i wish we could all meet somewhere...at this point it would be a crazy dream)..
Lets do something good...something really good...satisfactory which may not serve any purpose to ourselves literally but may satisfy our humanitarian side...very simple..very small it may be..like planting a sapling(of course with a promise that it will be taken care of)...helping an old person to cross the road...helping someone financially...making any pensive face to smile...offering a sincere puja with utmost devotion..even it can be like helping your mother in her kitchen by preparing a new dish!! Those who have strong determination..they can resolve to quit any of their bad habits..The objective is to make yourself complete happy that day...no frowning..no irritation...no sadness....
Feel that day with all your existence and then do share with us...
There can be other ways also...u r most welcome to put forward...
This blog has already been enriched with so many ideas( the latest is that of mukesh via saurav)
C'mon people...take a little time out of ur busy schedule and spend it with this website...think for a while and do write...
Awaiting responses..
Take care everyone..
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The LOC has come up with a new idea to stay in touch and do 'something different'. The idea is simply about a contribution or a senual 'pay off' back to our institution, NERIST. The document attached to the post describes it all and invites all discussion on the comments forum. If you can't see the document(because of slow net speed), click the download button and download the pdf version. Have an interesting read and the author expects a healthy discussion. Post your ideas in the comments area with your LOC-username(gmail), donot post as 'anonymous'.
Spread the message to as many EC2K3 members as possible.
'A big idea may start from scratches but requisites a big participation to make it "BIG"'.
Thanking you all.
Idea of the Year
This can simply take the crown of the idea of the year: 2009
Dear all,
I am sure that you all are enjoying being in the elite group which has been into some kind of service to the nation directly or indirectly. I say directly for those who are in job and indirectly for the ones who are getting monthly stipends for the noble jobs of being the torch bearers of further education in their respective fields.
The idea came from a very emotional Mukesh, EC 2k3 who has decided to get settled in North Eastern states of India and I feel proud to be a medium to be able propagate this across the all other enlightened minds.
The idea is to contribute a part of what we have earned back to the alma mater. We can always start small, and believe me once this channel is created it is definitely going to go a long way as there are a lot of alumni who are raring to contribute but could not just in absence of this channel.
The start will be from contributing to the printing charges including the papers for the project work in the forth coming semester for the batch of EC-2k4.
Suppose the contributors are Marbom, Nupur, Bhola,
PD, R. Rai, V. Tiwari, Sachin, Dev D., Alokojjwal D., Alok
Kr., Gokul, Bed P.P., Arijit, Soumitra Majumdar, Kamal
(Correct me if I am wrong) and I am sure the list
will increase in due course of time.
The process will constitute that once we all agree to
this we will talk to Mr. Swanirbhar M. through Mr.
Alokojjwal D. and Mr. Debabrata D. to open an account of
some sort which can be used for the required money
I am sure you all are doing great and its nice be in touch through such wonderful ideas.
Awaiting your responses,
Please forward the messages as and when required, and also mention your contact number.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
'Helping hands are better than Praying Lips'
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
How are you all?
I guess this is my first blog since kidulthood. Well, Its just work you know…its hard finding time when you get so many dimensions unfulfilled and many opportunities to get through in the present.
I go through Sauravs’ wishings, bootmarks and recent updates, Sachins’ I-am-here attitude, Pds’ liberating poetic verses, Polys’ go-through-Mumbai….I am attached to you guys, in one way or the other.
Anyway, am blogging here this moment which proposes a certain attitude, a few certain no of things I want to put forward from my experience through these months…
The first key and the ONLY key put here is about ‘happiness’. Its for you guys, have an interesting read.
Everybody of you is having a stand-up time to your ambitions, a busy schedule all day along with few strands left for nonsense and ambiguity. So here am I, I just want to share a secret with you in a very few moments from now.
Its from my life, a few artifacts:
I face questions like:
‘Don’t you feel bored sitting all alone everyday in your chamber?’
‘What do you do when you lose a taste of everything you do every day?’
---These are real questions asked to me by my mates hereby.
---And am sure these are also something you are wondering pounded deep in your heart or may be your heart asks you the same ones.
I thought about it and replied:
‘I do what I like and there’s never a time that I have nothing to do. I plan things a day ahead and and always do something that’s out of the conventional and that thing keeps ‘me’ happy and after all, the key to happiness is YOU, YOURSELF.’!!!!
There are a certain shell of events that I think really relieves the pressure if you are working real hard and find little time for yourself.
Keep yourself fresh, take a bath before you are on purpose, plan and do things you didn’t do before—For me, its like talking to complete strangers, sweetening my neighbor kid with toffees, gift pack to a person just known by name, make new dishes by myself since we are having a rented house and a gas burner on our own , my blog and its updates, my students (really care about them, they are really different and Ya…they are loving too). The list never ends.
All I did is something I didn’t do before, or I didn’t had to, got to…..So guys if your life is questioning you what you are doing to yourself, just speak out:
‘Deeds, not words shall speak me’.—John Fletcher(its my motto too.)
Just try it and do things you always wanted to but didn’t get to….why wait for the time for ‘Dus Vidaniya’?
The Racaf fever just shook off yesterday. The last four days were really fun for the guys I hope. I spent time with old buddies—Baisam, Manju, Marto, Alok, Paro..dividing my time to enjoy with each of them ad midst the programs….and its really inspiring and seemingly beautiful experience. For all the Block F’ians…the news is that: Its leading till the third day..everything in F just rocks..Block F……Hu-….(I needn’t say this!!)
And for recent news, I gave my students’ assignments which after my moderation will appear on my blog itself, so go through it in a few days..I guarantee you will find nice things to know and learn.
I dedicate this blog-piece, my earnest “SECRET” to the Birthday Boy today: ‘Ari’.
Wish you a very happy birthday and merry success everywhere. All the best.
And to my very loving buddy….the man himself….Kh. Rishikumar.
‘Rishi, the blog is for you. Next time don’t say you get bored at home…now that I showed you how to stay alive and LIVE life’.
‘Bondhu…ami tomake bhalobasi!!!’ (eng:I love you buddy)
(actually it’s the only thing in Bengali that he knows by heart).
Its good bye time, don’t know when I will feel like writing again.
Till then….Take care all of you.
Be safe, Be beautiful.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
kal raat gokul n bhola ke hostel mein raha, we shared a lot about the work culture and enjoyed the day with them.
Aaj nupur se milunga.
Happy diwali to all of you.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
-by John Masefield
Better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong.
Laugh, for the time is brief, a thread the length of a span.
Laugh and be proud to belong to the old proud pageant of man.
Laugh and be merry : remember, in olden time,
God made Heaven and Earth for joy. He took in a rhyme,
Made them, and filled them full with the strong red wine of His mirth.
The splendid joy of the stars ; the joy of the earth.
So we must laugh and drink from the deep blue cup of the sky.
Join the jubilant song of the great stars sweeping by,
Laugh, and battle, and work, and drink of the wine outpoured
In the dear green earth, the sign of the joy of the Lord.
Laugh and be merry together, like brothers akin,
Guesting awhile in the rooms of a beautiful inn,
Glad till the dancing stops, and the lilt of the music ends.
Laugh till teh game is played : and be you merry, my friends.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Good Morninggggggggggg friends.........
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dr. Abdul Kalaam
* The President of India DR. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 's Speech in Hyderabad . *
Why is the media here so negative?
Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse acknowledge them--- Why?
We are the first in milk production.
We are number one in Remote sensing satellites.
We are the second largest producer of wheat.
We are the second largest producer of rice.
Look at Dr. Sudarshan , he has transferred the tribal village into a self-sustaining, self-driving unit.
There are millions of such achievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters.
I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in the newspaper, buried among other news.
In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism, crime.
Why are we so NEGATIVE?
Another question: Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? We want foreign T. Vs, we want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology.
Why this obsession with everything imported. Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance? I was in Hyderabad giving this lecture,when a 14 year old girl asked me for my autograph. I asked her what her goal in life is. She replied: I want to live in a developed India . For her, you and I will have to build this developed India . You must proclaim. India is not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation.
Do you have 10 minutes? Allow me to come back with a vengeance.
Got 10 minutes for your country? If yes, then read; otherwise, choice is yours.
YOU say that our government is inefficient.
YOU say that our laws are too old.
YOU say that the municipality does not pick up the garbage.
YOU say that the phones don't work, the railways are a joke,
The airline is the worst in the world, mails never reach their destination.
YOU say that our country has been fed to the dogs and is the absolute pits.
YOU say, say and say.. What do YOU do about it?
Take a person on his way to Singapore . Give him a name - YOURS. Give him aface - YOURS. YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your International best. In Singapore you don't throw cigarette butts on the roads or eat in the stores. YOU are as proud of their Underground links as they are. You pay $5 (approx. Rs. 60) to drive through Orchard Road (equivalent of Mahim Causeway or Pedder Road ) between 5 PM and 8 PM. YOU come back to the parking lot to punch your parking ticket if you have over stayed in a restaurant or a shopping mall irrespective of your status identity... In Singapore you don't say anything, DO YOU?
YOU wouldn't dare to eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai .
YOU would not dare to go out without your head covered in Jeddah .
YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephone exchange in London at 10 pounds ( Rs.650) a month to, 'see to it that my STD and ISD calls are billed to someone else.'
YOU would not dare to speed beyond 55 mph (88 km/h) in Washington and then tell the traffic cop,'Jaanta hai main kaun hoon (Do you know who I am?). I am so and so's son. Take your two bucks and get lost.'
YOU wouldn't chuck an empty coconut shell anywhere other than the garbage pail on the beaches in Australia and New
Why don't YOU spit Paan on the streets of Tokyo ? Why don't YOU use examination jockeys or buy fake certificates in Boston ??? We are still talking of the same YOU..
YOU who can respect and conform to a foreign system in other countries but cannot in your own. You who will throw papers and cigarettes on the road the moment you touch Indian ground. If you can be an involved and appreciative citizen in an alien country, why cannot you be the same here in India ?
Once in an interview, the famous Ex-municipal commissioner of Bombay , Mr. Tinaikar , had a point to make. 'Rich people's dogs are walked on the streets to leave their affluent droppings all over the place,' he said. 'And then the same people turn around to criticize and blame the authorities for inefficiency and dirty pavements. What do they expect the
officers to do? Go down with a broom every time their dog feels the pressure in his bowels? In America every dog owner has to clean up after his pet has done the job. Same in Japan . Will the Indian citizen do that here?' He's right. We go to the polls to choose a government and after that forfeit all responsibility.
We sit back wanting to be pampered and expect the government to do everything for us whilst our contribution is totally negative. We expect the government to clean up but we are not going to stop chucking garbage all over the place nor are we going to stop to pick up a stray piece of paper and throw it in the bin.
We expect the railways to provide clean bathrooms but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms.
We want Indian Airlines and Air India to provide the best of food and toiletries but we are not going to stop pilfering at the least opportunity.
This applies even to the staff who is known not to pass on the service to the public. When it comes to burning social issues like those related to women, dowry, girl child! and others, we make loud drawing room protestations and continue to do the reverse at home. Our excuse?
'It's the whole system which has to change, how will it matter if I alone forego my sons' rights to a dowry.' So who's going to change the system? What does a system consist of ? Very conveniently for us it consists of our neighbor's, other households, other cities, other communities and the government. But definitely not me and YOU.
When it comes to us actually making a positive contribution to the system we lock ourselves along with our families into a safe cocoon and look into the distance at countries far away and wait for a Mr.Clean to come along & work miracles for us with a majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and run away. Like lazy cowards hounded by our fears we run to America to bask in their glory and praise their system. When New York becomes insecure we run to England . When England experiences unemployment, we take the next flight out
to the Gulf. When the Gulf is war struck, we demand to be rescued and brought home by the Indian government. Everybody is out to abuse and rape the country. Nobody thinks of feeding the system. Our conscience is mortgaged to money.
Dear Indians, The article is highly thought inductive, calls for a greatdeal of introspection and pricks one's conscience too.... I am echoing J. F. Kennedy 's words to his fellow Americans to relate to Indians.....
Lets do what India needs from us.
Forward this mail to each Indian for a change instead of sending Jokes or junk mails.
Thank you,
Dr. Abdul Kalaam
Saturday, September 26, 2009
i miss you all and if i dont blog dont think i have forgotten you...plzzzzzz
finally i could blog!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A consultancy group is going to visit NERIST for the present final years and for the 2009 passouts named as PIVOTAL. It will select a no. of candidates after written test and interview. These selected candidates would have to register to this group with a registration fee of Rs:750/-. After that within 3 months, they will either send many fortune companies to our institute for the recruitment of these selected candidates or they will tell the selected candidates to attend the interview conducted by the companies at their respective places(the opportunity which a NERISTian always have a hunger). In a way the work of NERIST T&P will be done by them. The companies reffered by this consultancy group will have a payscale of around 4 lakhs pa.
So interested friends should be ready to visit NERIST as the date of their interview will be announced......
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Welcoming new Blogger into the Blog page of L.O.C.
Lets together welcome him to the world of blogging !!
Abhinav !
Whatever is being written here are the personal views of the author him/her self and are subjected to agreement or disagreement.
And a request to all members, Please write for this Blog Space, Share your views !!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Hwz life........
My father had a transferable job…Delhi to Varanasi…Gangtok to Jamsedhpur...Jaipur to Ahmedabad to Shillong …so I never even thought that my college life will be in Nirjuli…the name I never before heard…but then a new life started with a fear how I am going to spend 6 long years away from home…I remember when we completed 3 years we were so happy and enjoying at hostel that half NERIST life over…hostel life was full of ups and downs…but the worst part was when there was problem at Girls’ Hostel and our batch was holding SUN…final years stopped talking to me. They even stopped coming to my room. Whatever was the reason but main explanation deti to kitno ko deti. Even juniors started commenting. I was feeling bad that my seniors were angry with me and those who were very close to me and Nupur were avoiding our room…due to which Nupur was feeling very bad. But today I am thankful to that situation. It helped me in learning…in developing a “don’t care” attitude. When I know I am not wrong in what I am doing why should I think about what others are thinking and with that life really becomes cool. Four of us, our friendship, I don’t know what others used to think about our friendship but we never cared about others thinking. We enjoyed every part…in every relation there are ups and downs and so we also had some but then it helped us in getting stronger. Whenever anyone was on a wrong way…in tension…in trouble…whatever…other three were always there. Its like life is full of incidents…every incident has its own definition…and so its own meaning which can’t be explained by these words.
We realize the importance of anything when we lost it. Basu is a great example…when he was in NERIST he was very sure he is not going to miss NERIST…but today when he call me up and say "I am missing NERIST"…when he never forget to give me miss call at night…always initiate messaging…keep complaining to Subhojit that “Meenakshi never comes to meet me”…I feel so good…and we also had a get together at Akshar Dham telmple…enjoyed a lot…Basu, me, Ajung and Tasmeen…that was our first get together after NERIST life….and really enjoyed a lot….looking forward for another!!
Hello freinds:
Hello friends.
After one week of induction training at Mumbai, now I am in Chennai for further training as a Trainee Scientific Officer.
Here, life is not so fast as Mumabi,n the climate here is very humid.
The nuclear power plant site is so secure that one of our lecturer stated tha the safest place during natural calamities in the world is nuclear power plant site.
Our hostel is very near to the sea, its a daily routine for us to visit n enjoy the breeze n scenery.
I am enjoying a lot.
Thankyou my friends.
My best luck to all who are sitting for CAT n other examinations.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
MY blog lastly..
as far as classes are concerned they run from 8.40 am to 12.00 and then from 1.30 to 4.00.. this is actually official but there are lots of gaps in the middle.i feel as if half pressure compared to nerist.. and the best part is food.. of cource i am loving roti.. my favourte.. i always used to get frustrated at nerist eating rice only.. overall i am happy..
lastly best of luck to all my friends who are preparing may be for cat,psu,gate,job..may god help them achieve their dreams..
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Memoirs down the lane.......
I was going through the LOC blogs and i was feeling a lump forming in my throat....i was getting nostalgic...sunday...3 pm...a round table conference...gopal or rambabu with an innocent smile and a tray of tea cups....
The blogs written by the locians are so inspiring.....so refreshing....so emotional...so authentic...i dont know under what situations those were written..but they r very practical.. whenever you go through them u feel like high spirited and boosted up...u feel like rejuvinated with the attitude.'Lets do it!!'....
We all must have been going through ups and downs in the due course of time...so guys i have a piece of advice for you, whenever u feel low or melancholy please link urself to locnerist.blogspot.com...go through the blogs...feel the passion...feel the bonding...feel the deep meaning...feel to your heart content...i am sure you will feel happy...u will feel proud of being a part of LOC...
Take care everyone.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Bombay calling!!
When i came here this june i knew i would be staying here for 15 to 20 days. Then everyone around helped me to realize that this could be a chance to upgrade myself...to realize the real definition of the keyword 'STRUGGLE'...so i decided to stay longer...but i could not stay idle. So i enrolled myself in IMS..it has been already 1 month that i am doing classes...i think i am being benefited. Well the reality will be revealed in exam only.
Bombay is beyond description. People here bear an aggressive attitude. Their focus is to get the best for themselves. For that they dont compromise. They are marathas always brimmed with the fighting spirit. In fact they need to fight. They have no option. The city bus doesnt wait for more than 3 to 4 seconds...same with the local train...you have to jostle...you have to have that zeal..u have to be effective...or you stay aside. The shopkeepers..the mandi people dont give you a damn..they dont hesitate to humiliate you if you are wasting their time...or if you are not as agile as them. But they are good people. If you ask them for any help they are ever ready...i had an experience..i got into a wrong bus..it was in opposite direction..i had only 5 rupees with me..no cell..no card..nothing...but the man sitting next to me not only explained to me the desired location but also helped me with 5 rupees...and i safely reached home...i dont remember his face..he was a simple guy from an ordinary middle class family... i pray for his happiness and well being....
Last day i came to navi mumbai from cst alone in a local train for the first time...my father asked me whether i was scared or not. I replied i already forgot this feeling of getting scared or nervous... because when you are in a metro you have to keep them aloof from yourself...or you stay at home...
I am basically from a very small town where life is too slow. Then i stayed in a smaller town where i shaped my life...where i made my identity....when i reached here i was no one..i made my cv..i posted them to all the job sites..to all the possible teleconm companies....it was an awful stage...its like i was asking favour...it made me to feel so helpless...
I am not yet employed. But i recoverd from that stage. On the contrary i feel when i will be placed, that moment will be so glorious, that moment will remind me of the hard moments and i will feel happier and happier. I am thankful to my situation that i am here. I would have got a chance through campussing...i would have settled down somewhere comfortably...but then i would have never anticipated this beautiful meaning of LIFE...
This is not any part of consoling myself..sometimes i do feel bad from the perspective of my parents...they do get worried...for them the other option is the best...but as far as i am concerned i am loving it...in fact i am learning...and i am sure in the long run this is going to help me..
I know hardly few will have patience to read it...but guys one thing pliz remember try to love whatever you are doing...if there is any glitch in your path then love more...these glitches are the best teachers...trust me.
Take care everyone.
Stay in touch.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
newaz, sab kaise ho? m fine..i joined all india radio on 4th aug., and hopefully i'll bring some changes to the system too..i have already made my mind and have started with the same too..is bahane i'll try my best to keep the spirit of our LOC alive within me..i'll keep this blogspace updated with the achievements..
yaha ghar par hoon and naukri kar raha hoon..other than these, yaha kuch bhi thik nahi hai..worst of all, i have no friends..isliye tumlogo ka aur zyada yaad aata hai..
lastly, please help us know about u too..bye for now..miss u all!!
herz my new no..09615006280
EverythinG you need to know about Swine-flu
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Monday, August 24, 2009
hi doston,
But I know, we will always move ahead and make our surrounding to move forward.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
mY bloGs' with a diFF..sense.
Life's serene out here...am enjoying my new role in nerist...Its different,competitive but still somewhere its only a gateway for me,for me its just another phase that will pass,the horizon yet to surface somewhere else.
Anyway guys, am here to announce my new blog space.
its all about mY creations, mY inspirations,mY choices,mY writings,mY love.
So, check this:
mY technical counterpart is of course there for the needy and attentive.
Its this:
I hope everybody of you are in full spirits.
Actually I got an interview call letter from BCPL in my email account.
I think many of you may be selected for the same.
I just want you guys to check your email box quickly and confirm me in case you have yourself selected for it.
Please let me know in my orkut profile or mail me in this address:
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The beauty beneath in a proffession
Thursday, August 6, 2009
a poSt From an 'old' Friend with a n'eW' look...
The desire for success is a glamour which makes the essence.
The ability to see through simple equations make the simple desire alive.
The simple “ I CAN DO IT ” makes you doit, actuates your ability to do these things.
And it all happens if you give a simple try.
Hi guys,
Howz everybody?
Things must be a little busier than it used to be, but things are smoothing out quickly with time. I am learning things and as some of you know me, I will complete the mid sem syllabus by next week at max. I hope, playing laxed otherwise 1 week is all it will take me.
Anyway, leave me. Recently, flickered contacts…pd(joining Prasar Bharati-2/3 august), Ved(waiting BARC), Alok(waiting Bhopal admission),Saurav(well,I don’t know why our Google Uncle is so ungoogle like). I congratulate all of you guys working on fields apart and maintain records, connections which as is prevalent “THE EC2K3” like.
Guys, I am trying to create a blog of my own…mainly to facilitate the flow of information among base years. I also plan for recent updates on communication, job information among other things.
Can anyone help me with inserting links within the posting area?
I tried several times but it does not appear to work. Please report on comment.
The blog is just a day old, m working on it.
Check this out:
See you.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
If anybody has better things to discuss about then please give your topic and opinion..hope we people will make it work..
Everybody knows this,but may be sometimes people forget obvious things,so they must be reminded of the obvious good things in them....hav fun guys...dont forget giving your current place and occupation whenever blog....m in nerist studying for degree..
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
What’s up? Myself reporting from home (Patna). Everything is boring here. Missing college a lot. But miss calls, messages and calls from friends are helping a lot. Going to Delhi on 30th and don’t know when will be back. Life is going to be tough. But then ye din to ana hi tha. Many things to do in life. Sab kehte hai its easy being a girl but I say its more tough when you are a daughter but have to become a son for your parents. You have to fulfill all expectations of your family. Oh I forgot to Congratulate Debi and Alok Ojwal, hope they proof to be the best teachers. All the best to them and to all. Hope to meet Basu and Rohit in Delhi. Lambu going to Managalore today. Sach mein Sachin 6 years kaha chale gae pata nai cala. Aesa lagata hai kuch din pehle ki baat hai when we ere searching for workshop and labs. Don't know about the next moment, its an unwritten script where with situations you have to play your role. No one is there to guide you for your role. But in college everyone was around helping out...in different wasy. But now it seems You are alone in this journey. Anyways lets see what's more to have in Life.... Take care!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
hi friends
how u people are doing?must be busy,right....yeah it seems because no one is blogging!!
zindagi kitni fast ja rahi hai yaar....abhi nerist mein entry hui thi....abhi to nee-1 waalon ne humari ragging li thi.....maine itni zor se gaya tha ki bhaiyon ne kaha tu rehne hi de!!aur nerist inhi khatti mithi baaton ke saath zindagi ka ek anmol hissa ban gaya.........ae zindagi gale laga le.......nerist se pass out hoye 2 mahine beet gaye!!pata bhi nahi chala....aur ab its time to bid adieu to nerist finally...kal i'll be leaving.....
shakeapeare said life is a stage and we are mere players...but hey on stage the script is predecided...par life mein aise nahi hota yaar....tu life mein kya hota hai........kissi ko nahi pata mere dost.....
accha to humare bandhu log kaha kaha hai??
bed ghar par hai......lekin jab mann karat hai...gokul,nupur aur bhola se milne duliajan jaat rahta hai.....gokul abhi apne ghar par hai....his medical is complete....
rohit aur meenakshi delhi jaane wale hain.........
lambu ki training start ho chuki hai.....bhai sahab ko outside world se door ek cncentartion camp mein rakha gaya hai!!!!!
poly is in mumbai...she joined ims coaching.....
paro is back in nerist....
allokojwal and dev are guest Lecturers now @ NERIST.
alok will go for nit bhopal....he has also applied for Lecturer @ NERIST...
saurav abhi patna mein hai.......hey saurav long time u blogged..kahan ho yaar???
basu dilli mein hai..........
arijit will join BSNL.........abhi ghar par hi hai..........
pd to ghar par hoi tha.....i think he will join prasar bharti......
this was all i had regarding u people........if any information is wrong please comment!!!!!!!!!
and blog karo yaar.........we have to keep the fire of LOC burning....
jai ho
jai hanuman gyan gun sagar........
tata saba khair...
khush rahe
haste rahein
hum milenge.........
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Final good bye to NERIST.........
Monday, June 29, 2009
a thought.........
Sunday, June 28, 2009
10 BEST ways to use ORKUT and FACEBOOK for students....
1. For Education
Make best uses of communities join some of the best and active communities of current semester subjects specially the one you found difficult. Post your questions and be interactive in the community. There are lots of experts there who will be happy to help you.
2. Subject book reviews
In engineering we are usually confused about buying books for semester, most of the time students find it difficult to understand the concepts. Most of us end up buying a difficult book that we never study and finally end up with weak subject knowledge and just pass it and never dare to touch that again. With the help of seniors and other people who used these books we can find some very good book reviews and can decide which book will help us to grow in strong knowledge. The eventually help us in scoring good marks in final exams. Other books we can definitely borrow from college library.
3. The best buyer guide
Asking parents to buy a laptop for you and confused about the range available, go thought the community discussion related to the product and get an idea of product you were planning to buy. You can go through the reviews of your own community of people on certain electronic products. Most of the bloggers just copy paste info from the information brochures and really don’t have any idea about what they are talking about, therefore it is always better to use trusted communities.
4. Seminars
Seminars are must in almost every course these days. For selection of good seminar topics, materials and white papers join communities and learn from others experience. It will also help you to find out the trends while searching for a good topic that may be useful for your mini project and final projects.
5. Projects
Selecting a good project topic and working on that is usually one of the most difficult part the curriculum. Most of us think that our job mostly depends on the kind of project we do or at least our scores depends on it. You can search some good project names in some related communities. Ones you are done with collecting information and start implementing it and struck somewhere you can always approach the right person to help you in the communities. As expecting help from guides back at school will usually not much fruitful.
6. Competitive Exam preparation
When we are at the verge of finishing the course we usually look around for jobs, you can find lots communities with people similar to us, hunting jobs everyday. They will usually post some information about test and interview questions. Having a look at them will definitely help.
If you are preparing for some competitive exams like GRE, GMAT, GATE, TOFEL, JAM or MBA or MCA CETs, for further studies you will find huge recourse on these sites. You can see how people are using audio lectures and links to prepare for them. Preparation plans, ebooks and materials are often shared in these communities.
7. Promoting hobbies
Don’t get puzzled when some ask you for your hobby. What you would like to do in free time is your hobby. I love to read and write about personality development, using my time efficiently, therefore I joined a group till I found useful. I gave suggestions too but latter decided to write them on my own blog.
8. Outings
Vacations and semester breaks, don’t spend them at home just playing video games and thinking about reading something that you never read. Plan properly and look around what are the nearby tourist attractions that are affordable by you and your parents. Checkout the experience of other travelers and find out their recommendations to help your travel. This will make you fresh and also give a feeling of break from routine and gives strength to concentrate on studies again.
9. Contacts with old friends and Alumni
Everyone loves their close friends and loosing them make us cry. The best way to know how abouts of them is to add them as in your friend list and checking their profile updates and scrap them sometimes. Another set of important people to you can be your college Almuni who share a common interest with you or in places where you want to go in future. Don’t disturb them but on the same time don’t hesitate to ask a good question. Be good to them you may face them in some interviews. Also check their activities and have a note on their attitude this may help you to reach there.
10. News around the campuses or companies
Join the communities of companies and campuses you are targeting or going to join. This will make you understand the culture there make it easy for you to adopt. You can make friends before you go there. A new joining community can help each other with the admission or joining process. This can also be the best uses to keep your momentum going for your target jobs or campuses.
Friday, June 26, 2009
dEAr folks!!
How are you all? All my best wishes with you on your journey in this phase of life.
M constantly updating myself with your articles and innovations….a blog space for ec2k3 exclusive, syndicated control and authorization …its rejuvenating specially for me….a scrupulous attender myself and lover of emotions, touch and remembering remains …I will give my best shot and contributions in time, BEHOLD IT!!.
Finally guys, Hands on, heads up high, pumping heart and deluging emotions all stand up to say a word I will always remember:
****************************THE 2K3 GUYS*******************************
See you all. Keep updating.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
after coming back to NERIST, actually i'm feeling a bit bored out....no one to share thoughts...no one jiski leg pulling ki jaye....ab kisi ka phone bhi nahi aata.....how saurav, lambu used to call me up and tell..oye sachin aaj ec1 vs, ec2 match hai aa ja.....no loc meetings...no cricket....i hate tea....but see i'm missing dadu also!!canteen ki birthday parties.......
and time to leave is also coming....NERIST mein pure 15 saal.....i came here in 1995..in class three...kv nerist was just being set up....infact bhaiya's batch was the first one of this school....the nerist happened...after getting admitted here...mummy kabhi kabhi subah mein jab utha thi to bolti thi..uthe school jaane ka samay ho gaya hai/...and i used to say mummy i'm in college..no more a school kid!!!ghar baithe baithe sachin kashyap engg. bhi ban gaye...sahi hai boss!!
aaj ka din kafi productive raha.......
today chatted with quite a few people...bhaiya,vikash bhaiya,abhinav(khaware),ashmita didi,kumud(ashok and manish bhaiya's bhaiya youngest bro...he was my classmate in school..)......quite a few school friends,,priyanka,himanshu....i enjoyed thoroughly...
......then watched if only....superb movie if only it had a happy ending......but film had had a very beautiful message,,that we start appreciating people around us when we fear of losing them.....why can't true love has a happy ending???how to really cope up with the challenges and pressures of life......how to keep a balance between ur love and professional life.....after watching this movie these questions arose in my mind...i gotta find them....rather time will make me find them........actually to know these u have to go through them!!!
now watching a walk to remember..actually its for the second time...hey gokul remember we watched then during summer tarining last year...and tell u all we wept at the end....pity souls!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Goooood Morning everyone............
Friday, June 19, 2009
From the plains of Dikrong to Ganga
crossing the ganga for the first time near Patna, one comes to the land of palm and mango tree..people changes dress and language..seems there is more hardship..huts changes to brick walls..still gobar is used to make plates for burning...seems that some water is out of soil..making it more suitable to grow different crops...you come across more railway stations..and more busy routes..reminding that its a nation with 2 billion hands...even the taste of water seems to change a bit...
you come across people, having a strong sense of bonding...both for friendship as well as success..as we reach to the heart of the nation..first obvious indicator is the temperature..encountered hot wind call Loo..pollution is at its best..yamuma..woo..clotted with plastic waste like a mini desert of plastic..reduced to no more than the river flowing across the NERIST boundary..our bridge to block H.........but the real taste is something different...finally you landed up in the heaven of vegetarian food..your eye and every part of the body will feel satisfied with beautiful ladies you can see.......its my study last tour ....
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